Colon cleansing and probiotics use
During a colon cleanse, along with toxins, friendly bacteria is also removed, causing a bacterial imbalance in your gastro-intestinal tract.
This can be the reason for further digestive problems.
The system of trillions of bacteria working together in the digestive system is crucial to the overall health of our bodies. Imbalances in this process can cause loss of effectiveness in the digestive tract, bowel irritation and consequently bowel disease. Digestive illnesses can easily affect the overall body health.
During a colon cleanse, along with toxins, friendly bacteria is also removed, causing a bacterial imbalance in your gastro-intestinal tract. To replace these friendly bacteria, probiotic use is required during and after colon cleansing.
Probiotics populate your digestive tract with new, healthy intestinal flora, while supporting your immune system. Supplements can so boost your overall health and be highly beneficial after cleansing your system, either we’re talking colon or liver, kidney or Candida cleansing regimens.
To keep high levels of your digestive tract health and also to boost the wellbeing of your entire system you can follow a few useful tips:
- For a good probiotics source, eat natural yogurt or kefir three times a day. They contain live active bacteria, very helpful for the intestinal tract.
- A good-quality probiotic supplement can always aid cleansing efforts, for the best. Remember to consult a specialist for the probiotics product that best suits you.
- Regularly consume a diet rich in prebiotics: fruits and vegetables, oats and whole grain rice.
- Cut off toxic foods and foods that kill healthy bacteria in your intestines, like processed foods, wheat products, sugar, hydrogenated fats and alcohol.
The goal of colon cleansing (as well as any other cleansing) is to flush out the accumulated body toxins. Along with the toxins, “good bacteria” will also be eliminated. The most important aspect to consider after a cleanse is replenishing the healthy colonies of bacteria in your gut with probiotics.
To do so, either you consume probiotics-rich foods or take a daily supplement, make sure you choose quality, uncontaminated probiotics.